Why Ethos Reports?
Q: What makes Ethos Reports different? Why should I use your services?
A: Ethos Reports is a pioneer in the field of research for character and fitness. Not only do we uncover all your public civil and criminal reports, but we make all the necessary calls to determine your entire history as it relates to the Character and Fitness section, with minimal effort to you! There is no need to fill out lengthy and involved applications that in the end just cost you more of what is your current priceless commodity--your time! We do all the hard work for you, and let you concentrate on your studies and your future.
Q: I'm pretty sure I haven't done anything in my past that would require a background check. Why would I need Ethos for my character and fitness investigation?
A:Why would you hold your law career on the phrase of being pretty sure? As shown in our Real Life Character and Fitness Case Studies, something as small as a misspoken word can delay a future swearing-in by months or even years. That's not only lost income and the inability to pay back student loans; it's also potentially other law school classes graduating during that time period. Once you're finally cleared you would then have to compete with these students, as well as the ones in your own class for a position. You might think there is little in your past that could present a problem, but the real issue is what you are not aware of, and that's what Ethos can help uncover. You wouldn't go into the Bar Exam without doing the necessary prep work; why wouldn't you do the same for the extensive Bar Application? Let Ethos streamline the Bar Application process for you.Q: What qualifications does Ethos have to help me with the Bar Application?
A: Ethos has all the necessary qualifications to ensure you receive what you are looking for, including an attorney licensed by the Bars of two States and a licensed Private Investigator on our staff.Q: This is all highly personal information I'd be sharing for the character and fitness investigation. Can I trust Ethos Reports with it?
A: Absolutely! No sensitive information is stored on our site, and all personal data is sent through secure channels that maintain the highest levels of security standards. In addition, all documents are sent via certified mail, to keep your personal information safe and sound.Ethos Reports, LLC
West Palm Beach, FL | P: (877) 869-5591 / F: (877) 264-8838